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Update on “Sundays with Gene - A Memoir” - Help for Helpers Presentation
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Here is our blog post for December 25, 2024, entitled Update on “Sundays with Gene - A Memoir” Help for Helpers Presentation, by Barbara Dickinson
By the very kind invitation of Lynn Preston’s “Help for Helpers,” Barbara gave a presentation recently about the Memoir. You can find the video of that presentation on the Help for Helpers Channel on YouTube.
Space is a Real Thing
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April 3, 2020
I say this a lot in classes. Space is a real thing. Space matters. How you set up your space, within, among and around you, is YOU, actively creating in this world. Many of us, much of our time, do not give space much attention. We alternate between taking it for granted as in “I want” or “I need” (and therefore it’s mine) to assumptions that ‘this’ space has no room for me.
We're All in a Huddle
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January 15, 2019
I teach Focusing because it is the most direct route I have found to experiencing peace and positive momentum in my life and as a way to contribute to the conscious evolution of life. I teach by building community because it is my experience that all of this is easier and we are more powerful, when we join together.
Finding Peace in How we use our Brain
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Dec 12, 2017
I’ve had peace on my mind the last few months. The peace of being ok with failing a goal. The peace of letting things go as situations change. The peace of changing my mind and not needing excuses. The peace of finding what to focus on next when the list seemed endless. The peace of being joyful while acknowledging yes, there is so much to be angry about. The peace of moving forward a very old shame as if it happens everyday.
Hello Discomfort.
Posted on
September 19, 2016
Discomfort joined me a few weeks ago. I did not invite it. In fact, the timing was just plain poor! Discomfort arrived on the eve of my birthday. I had been busy all day finishing details at home and preparing for Bob and I to spend a couple nights camping. Camping is one of my favorite treats to myself.
Clues that Invite us to Focus
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May 17, 2016
You might be wondering how one knows that it is time to Focus with a partner. I mean, overall, life is just fine right? No major changes on the horizon, relationships are holding their own, your body is more or less working. Obvious reasons to Focus are not on the scene of your life. So what are those clues that invite us to Focus?
Why Practice? Maybe, Why Not.
Posted on
April 7, 2016
Practice, the practice of our Focusing skills, has been on my mind this morning. I feel so much how something in me wants to share this understanding with others. It wants to somehow communicate – that glimpse of CONNECTED, ALIVE, FLOWING AMAZINGNESS you touched on in your Guided Focusing Session, or in your Focusing partnership experience, or by dropping in on your own while hiking – that is the tip, just the tip. There is no limit of course, to the unfolding that happens when we are tapped into life forward movement.
The Ground from Which we Grow
Posted on
Feb 5, 2016
And so, how do we move ourselves closer to that ground upon which we feel safe, socially engaged, alive, thriving? One way of course, is to practice Focusing. We describe this same state of being that Porges defined as Presence or Self-in-Presence and we actively seek it.
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Sandy Jahmi Burg
Floyd, Virginia
**Learn Focusing is certified as a Small, Women Owned Business in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This site does not provide medical or any other health care or fitness advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The site and its services are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.