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“Something is Happening Inside Me!” - How Interactive Focusing relates to Social and Emotional Learning
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"Inside-Me Stories" is a valuable tool for teaching children the skills they need to navigate the social and emotional challenges of life. By learning to understand and express their emotions, children can build stronger relationships, improve their communication skills, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-esteem. The book's focus on experiential learning and its use of interactive storytelling make it a fun and engaging way for students to learn social and emotional skills.
How Does Focusing Lead to Action
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To bring movement, practice movement. I invite you to explore some of these movements if you are looking for ways to practice embodiment of small action steps from your Focusing process.
Update on “Sundays with Gene - A Memoir” - Help for Helpers Presentation
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Here is our blog post for December 25, 2024, entitled Update on “Sundays with Gene - A Memoir” Help for Helpers Presentation, by Barbara Dickinson
By the very kind invitation of Lynn Preston’s “Help for Helpers,” Barbara gave a presentation recently about the Memoir. You can find the video of that presentation on the Help for Helpers Channel on YouTube.
How Can Interactive Focusing Help with Conflict?
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Conflict! It is a part of everyday living. Most people do not love it. Many people are afraid of it. Some people have skills to process conflict successfully -- meaning the relationship between the two people in conflict survives and thrives. Many people have weak skills and suffer broken relationships after conflict.
Announcing “Sundays with Gene - A Memoir”
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We interrupt our regular blog posts on exploring interaction for a special announcement! “Sundays with Gene - A Memoir” by Barbara Dickinson is now available right here on the website.
The Interactive Focusing Sandwich
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In this blog post we are going to finish up our explanation of the "Double Wing" of Interactive Focusing. It is like a “sandwich”, with the first turn (top bread), Interactive Response (filling) and second turn (bottom bread).
We're All in a Huddle
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January 15, 2019
I teach Focusing because it is the most direct route I have found to experiencing peace and positive momentum in my life and as a way to contribute to the conscious evolution of life. I teach by building community because it is my experience that all of this is easier and we are more powerful, when we join together.
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Sandy Jahmi Burg
Floyd, Virginia
**Learn Focusing is certified as a Small, Women Owned Business in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
This site does not provide medical or any other health care or fitness advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The site and its services are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.