Summary of Typical Progress
- Thoroughly learn basic Focusing for 1 year or more, equivalent to Levels 1-4. During this time, establish a regular Focusing partnership. Request to join the Learning Community for Mastery in Guiding Change.
- Begin your official Certified Focusing Professional training when the timing is ripe for you. Join The International Focusing Institute (TIFI) as a Trainee with me as your Coordinator. Select a second Mentor. Complete your personal learning plan on your Certification Journey Chart. Schedule initial self-assessment.
- Proceed with your learning plan. Update mentors and keep track of progress on your chart. Schedule second self-assessment when you have a sense of ‘half-way there’.
- Proceed with your learning plan, open to adjustments of more or less. Update mentors and keep track of progress on your chart. Schedule your final self-assessment when you have a sense of completion. Celebrate your achievements & new sense of self!
- When TIFI welcomes you, pay their fee for the country you reside in, choose your title, consider going to the Weeklong Celebration held now in October each year. Continue as an on-going member of the Learning Community in whatever ways it supports your growth as a Focusing Professional.
From a few using Learning Community as a Certification Path:

“This community has been deeply enriching and a much needed connection to others who share similar values and goals of learning to live a Focusing way of life and sharing Focusing with others. It’s a relief to drop the façade that sometimes the outer world requires we uphold in work and social life. It’s a refreshing experience to feel welcomed in community just as I am, the whole of me. I feel seen, heard and supported, no pressure to be other than how I am. I feel the power of the individuals coming together in community in upholding this atmosphere. It feels grounded, balanced and empowering. I’m so thankful for Sandy’s facilitation and guidance through it all.”
Carrie Moy, Focusing Trainer in Training
“This was my first experience being in a Focusing Learning Community such as this. There was a broad spectrum of backgrounds from which the participants came which helped enlivened and enrich the atmosphere of the group. It was such a pleasure to explore more deeply the world of Focusing with this group and our loving leader and guide Sandy Jahmi Burg. There were many personal revelations which occurred within this safe and supportive container. I will always reflect fondly upon this group’s openness, love and support. I highly recommend participation in a Learning Community such as this one to deepen and invigorate you on your Focusing Journey.”
– Inge Terrill, Student in process of Focusing Certification
“The members of this community meet, encourage and support each other exactly where they are on any given day. Each of us honors our own responsibility in co-creating a safe and empowering space in which to learn and share and grow in our Focusing, both personally and professionally. I am deeply grateful for this community and for the depth and breadth of what each member brings to it.”
Rebecca Jackson-Aydelette, Spiritual Companion